Manual of reference regarding road construction techniques in the transition from the 19th to 20th century. The manual written by Manuel Pardo to train engineers at the end of the 19th century is useful today for identifying road construction techniques before the use of motor vehicles.
This treatise on road construction, preservation and layout was used as a text book in Escuela de Caminos de Madrid and the University of Montevideo. We attach three texts from that time: an article published in Le Génie Civile about Carreteras that was translated by Revista de Obras Públicas in October 1893, another signed by E. Ortuño about Manuel Pardo becoming a member of the Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences in 1894 (with biographical data) and his speech on the occasion, entitled ‹‹Importancia de la Química en la construcción›› (Importance of Chemistry in Construction).
We have digitised the 1892 edition, which comprised a volume of text (505 pages) and an atlas with thirteen prints.