Professionals Narrate their Experience, short audio-visual piece lasting from two to ten minutes, in which they explain a basic concept required to understand public works and how they are related to other disciplines. They are the result of filming and editing a series of interventions in the University of Cordoba Postgraduate Course associated to this research project.
Site Visits (Visits to Public Works), short films lasting approximately ten minutes, in which public works are visited with their authors or another professional involved, who explain details related to the project or construction process. The idea is not to provide more or less accurate information, but generate something deeper that has to do with emotion, so that the viewer is identified with what is being explained. To facilitate their dissemination, these documentaries are subtitled in English, and each has a 2-3 minute summary.
Lessons in Engineering, another format for teaching about public works, in which a well-known civil engineer explains the conception and evolution of a specific infrastructure or clarifies a concept required to understand civil engineering. Their duration is not defined. This is the least developed format, but another option for the future.